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Change the password of your new account (Student)

Here you can set your password. When you have submitted your data below, you will receive a message containing an activation link at your private email address. Please remember that your activation link will be valid for 30 minutes only.

Please be aware! If you’re a student and your Studielink and Windesheim email addresses are identical, you can’t (re)set your password yourself. Contact the ICT-desk and ask them for a new password.

Do not forget to bring a valid ID.

Use your Windesheim account:
Example for employees:
Example for students:

ICT-desk Zwolle

088 - 469 90 70

Or stop by in F2.03
(Building F second floor)

Openings hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 16:00

Digital desk Almere

088 - 469 90 70

Or stop by on the sixth floor at location Landdrost

Openings hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30-12:00 and 12:30-17:00